Just Us

We are a family of 3. Joseph Paul[22], Leeann(Annie) Marie[21], and little Jeremiah Patrick[5 1/2 months]. We now reside in Pennsboro, WV where we attend the Church of Christ every week. We have a brand new home(new to us at least), that is beautiful with big porches and a big yard. We have love for eachother that is strong and unconditional. We fight, but we make up. Jeremiah cries one second and smiles the next(what a happy baby!!). Joey works hard to earn a living for his family. Annie works hard to keep the house and family together and going strong. We all do our part to help our family and even when times are rough we still stick together. Enjoy keeping up with our lives from day to day and remember to always make your family el numero uno!!!

Jeremiah Patrick Sellers

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

New Around Here

Hello, my name is Annie Sellers and I am 21, almost 22, years old. I am new to this so you will have to bare with me. I wanted to set up this blogspot so that we might share our family with everyone. Joseph Sellers, who is 22, and I were married on June 28, 2008 and our son, Jeremiah Patrick, 5 1/2 months, was born on December 19, 2008. I'm sure you can do the math and come to the conclusion that there are not nine months from June to December. So, indeed we did get married while I was pregnant. But not because I was pregnant. Our love is strong and continues to grow stronger every day! We have problems and issues , every day, that we struggle with. But... we vow to keep working at it every day and that is what keeps us going strong. We have just recently bought a house in Pennsboro, WV. It is the perfect first house for us. I refused to live with wood panneling (which the whole house was done in on the interior) so a few family, friends, and myself painted every single room but one. And that was the washroom where there is tile on the walls, it can stay. I will post pictures soon. But I will have to have my house looking presentable for that. haha Someday I will get used to keeping up with the house and an almost 6 month old. Who is trying to crawl, by the way. He just started sitting up on his own this week... geesh... He's getting so big so fast!! [[[[AND]]]].... he says DADADADA!!..... oh man, I was hoping that he would have said mamamam first. Was that so much to ask? But none the less, he is our beautiful.. I mean hansom son and we love him very much.... Boys aren't supposed to be beautiful, but he is! Well... I hope that you enjoy getting to know our family!!

Jeremiah Patrick sitting up at 5 1/2 months old

Jeremiah's hair is growing...

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